Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I can't believe it's been more than a month since my last post. Things have been going really well for us. Grady started crawling on all fours. He can also pull himself up & walk while holding on to furniture. He was featured on "Pediatric Perspectives" - a medical magazine that goes out to area doctors. He was also on the front page of our local newspaper. He is just doing wonderfully. He will probably have another biopsy either in September or October. I am still waiting to hear back from the transplant team
Colby started kindergarten this year. He goes full days on Monday, Wednesday and every other Friday. He loves it. He made a friend & it sounds like they are inseparable. The first day, on the way home from school, the bus went right past our house & didn't stop. I had to call the school so they could radio the driver to bring him back. I asked him why he didn't say anything to the driver & he said because he wasn't ready to get off - he was having too much fun. I found out later that his friend was supposed to get off at the local daycare - the bus actually stopped there & dropped several children off - but he didn't get off either because he & Colby were having too much fun. Crazy kids!
Something that I haven't mentioned here yet is that I am hoping to go to nursing school. I have been working towards the entrance requirements this past summer. I never had a desire to be a nurse until we went thru everything with Grady. God just really laid it on my heart - so much so that there were some nights that I couldn't sleep. I am hoping to be accepted for the spring semester which starts in January. The first thing I had to do was take a Chemistry class since I never took it in high school. It was already toward the end of the summer when I decided to go for it. In order to be accepted for the spring semester, all entrance requirements would have to be completed and submitted by December 1. All of the Chemistry classes that I could find for the fall semester didn't end until mid December. I started to think I would have to wait until next fall to go to nursing school, when I came across a summer class (this was on a Thursday night) that started the following Monday. Fortunately, they were able to register me as a guest student, manually push my application thru and I was able to take the 5 week class. I also had to pass the ASSET exam (which is a placement test for students who never took their ACT or SATs). The school that I want to go to uses it as an entrance exam rather than a placement test. They test you on Reading, Writing, Math and Intermediated Algebra. I wasn't too worried about the first 3, but I hadn't even looked at Algebra for 14 years. Luckily, a friend of mine had an Algebra book that she let me borrow. I studied pretty hard for about 2 weeks & took the test. I just got my results back yesterday & found out that I passed. Now I just need to wait & see if I will be accepted. I really feel that God gave me this desire & is opening doors & allowing everything to fall into place. My biggest concern is finding good childcare while I am attending classes. God has brought me this far, so I am sure he will provide. I will just take it one step at a time.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Day 21
Friday, August 8, 2008
Day 16-19
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Day 10
I spoke with the transplant nurse this morning. I was correct in assuming that Grady would have to go to Cleveland instead of a local hospital. She also said that since the child the boys were exposed to had already broken out he was less contagious than if it was a day or two before he broke out. That's good news but definitely not a guarantee that we won't end up with them.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Chicken Pox 101
The transplant nurse told me that if I see even one lesion on Grady (I am supposed to check him several times a day), I need to go to the ER and have him urgently admitted where they will start iv medications immediately. She told me this on my answering machine, so I didn't get to ask, but I am assuming we will have to go to Cleveland where they are more experienced with this type of situation. I will be talking to them more tomorrow & hopefully clarifying the "if" details.
Also, I found out that had we known within 72 hours of him being exposed, they could have given him medicine to prevent it. Even if Grady gets chicken pox now, he will not be immune to it in the future because of the medications he is on so if you or your children ever have any type of rash or anything that looks questionable, please stay away from Grady. Chicken pox is spread thru the air, so even if you don't touch Grady, he could still get it. I know that a lot of times you don't know that you have chicken pox until it's too late but if we find out within 72 hours, we can prevent it.
On a more positive note, I did a little more research this evening and found out that a child who has been vaccinated and contracts the chicken pox virus is only 1/2 has contagious as a child who has not been vaccinated. (The child that exposed us was vaccinated - definitely a plus!) I am hoping that with him being vaccinated and Colby being vaccinated that somehow we can dodge this whole thing. Please pray! I will try to update you daily as to whether we have come down with it or not.
Just so you know, the people who exposed us had no idea at the time and they feel horrible.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
We had a awesome time on vacation, but now it's back to reality! We came home Sunday evening around 6:00. Tuesday Grady started tugging on his ear again & not eating well, so I took him to his pediatrician on Wednesday to have her check for an ear infection. There was so much wax in his ear that she couldn't see, so she sent me to an ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat). They used some type of device to clean the wax out - I had to hold Grady against me while 2 other nurses helped hold him down. Needless to say, he was very mad by the time we were done - he is definitely a fighter! The ENT said that his ear doesn't look bright red but that there is definitely fluid there, so they started him on antibiotics again as a short term solution but said that most likely we will have to put tubes in his ears. This is the 3rd ear infection he has had since we got home on January 31. Also, they said that even though it is a very simple procedure it will have to be done in Cleveland because of his history.
Today I took Grady for his first therapy session. He really seemed to like it. It is nice to have someone work with him & tell me what we can be doing with him at home. He does have a little catching up to do, but not much considering all he's been thru.
Colby has been at Bible School this week. He is really enjoying it. I have had to rely on some of my friends to get him there & pick him up when I've been at appointments with Grady. We are so blessed to have such good friends, family & community to support us throughout all of this! Thanks so much!
I almost forgot - Grady is up to 14 lbs. 2 oz. He is gaining, but very slow.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Hello everyone - I don't have a whole lot of time to blog, but I just wanted to let you know that the results of the biopsy yesterday were ZERO rejection! It was a very long day, but Grady did great. I was exhausted when we got home! The dietician changed the recipie for his formula a little to add a few more calories. She also gave some suggestions with his feedings to hopefully get him to sleep thru the night. I will let you know how it goes.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
We made it up to Ronald McDonald House this evening at about 6:15. Grady has a biopsy tomorrow morning at 6:30. We should get the results around 5:00 pm. I am really hoping Grady does well thru the night. He is not supposed to have any formula after midnight. He can have Pedialyte up to two hours before the procedure but he doesn't really like it. Pray that the procedure goes well and that there is no rejection.
I was surprised to see a familiar face when we walked into the dining room at RMH. Maribel & Mateo are back - they were here when we first got here in September & I think they left in December sometime. They will be here for a month. Also, we had a very nice dinner - soup & salad - I couldn't beleive it! I mean for the 4 1/2 months I was here we might have had soup & salad three or four times total!
Jolie came up with me again - she is such a lifesaver. I honestly don't know how I would manage Grady, luggage, meds, cleaning our room after we leave, etc. without her. She is awesome!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
Ken and I went to a wedding Friday night while my mom stayed with the boys. We had such a good time being out together without kids! We felt guilty for how long we stayed, but we were having so much fun catching up with everyone and not worrying about meds or feedings. We definitely need to make a point of going out together more often!
We were able to go to church today (Mother's Day). It was great to be back again - I had missed a couple of Sunday's while I was in Oklahoma. We went out for lunch and now I am planning on taking a nap while Ken watches the boys! I can hear my bed calling me - gotta go!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
It seems as though we have a little bug going around our house this week. Colby threw up on Monday, I got sick yesterday & now Ken is home sick today. The only good thing about it is it doesn't seem to last very long. Hopefully, Grady won't come down with it.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I am so sorry that I haven't posted for so long. We have been BUSY! We made it out to my sister's in Oklahoma - which is where I am right now. It's me & the boys & my mom. I am so glad that my mom decided to come. The flight out was good, but I don't know how I would have managed with 2 little ones by myself. Both boys did well on the flight - no problems with their ears or anything. Colby was so funny when we left. He was kind of grumpy & tired of waiting (we had gotten up at 2:30 am) so when the plane finally took off, he said real loud "Now this is what I'm talking about!" Everyone around us was laughing.
We have mostly been hanging out at my sister's house & taking it easy. She has 4 kids, so Colby is having a ball playing with them. I am afraid that when we get home he will be bored! I am missing having Ken to help with Grady. My mom & sister help during the day, but Ken usually gets up for the early morning feeding & I am really starting to feel worn out from the lack of sleep. The last 2 mornings I have gone back to bed for a couple hours after mom is up to watch Grady. Tomorrow we plan on heading to Tulsa for a day of shopping. The boys will stay with my sister's husband and mother-in-law. I am really looking forward to it.
Oh - I almost forgot - Colby had his kindergarten screening on the Thursday before we left. He did so good! We got the letter saying that he is ready to go (he turns 5 on July 14). He is very excited. He will be in the Monday, Wednesday every other Friday class. I can't believe he will be going to school this fall! I can't wait to take him to get his school supplies - he will be so proud.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
We had a bit of a scare on Tuesday. Ken fell approx. 15 - 20 feet at work. He landed on his back. He was taken by ambulance to the ER where they did a CAT scan on his back & found that nothing was broken. He is very sore and will be off of work for a few days. We are so thankful that he was not hurt more seriously. He could have been paralyzed or even killed. God was definitely watching over him!
Grady has been more fussy than normal the last couple of days. We thought maybe he is teething (he is also drooling more) but we have not found any bumps on his gums yet. He is still getting up quite a bit a night. It seems he is not eating enough at one time to get him thru the night. Ugh!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Grady slept thru the night twice in a row & then last night he got up at 3:30 am. I was gone last evening so Ken didn't want to feed him baby food & gave him a bottle instead at his 6:00 feeding. I am really curious if that is why he didn't sleep as long. I am definitely going to watch & see if it makes a difference.
Grady has also been sleeping a lot during the day (I guess I don't really know how much he should be sleeping). With transpant babies, small things like sleeping too much or being lethargic can be cause for concern (sign of rejection). Right now, I don't think it's anything except me being paranoid, but I am definitely going to keep a close eye on him. Otherwise, he is really starting to seem like a "normal" baby. He is reaching for toys on his little gym and is cooing and smiling a lot more.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
Grady had an appointment this morning to follow up with the pediatrician after his bout with RSV. His weight is at 11 lbs. 14 oz. - not a huge change, but not terrible considering that for a week he couldn't keep formula down & was on iv feeds & Pedialyte. The doctor would like to see him gain weight faster so I am supposed to start feeding him rice cereal mixed with fruit (baby food) twice a day. I tried today & it is almost impossible. He just sticks his tongue out & pushes everything out. I can't even really get him to open his mouth wide - hopefully he catches on quick - I think we were both getting frustrated.
We are still having some issues with him sleeping at night & we are trying some of your suggestions, so thanks for the advice. The doctor did say that at this point if he wakes up hungry, he really does need the extra calories, so we can't just let him cry it out.
Our doctor is also working on getting a therapist to come to our house to work with him. We've been a little frustrated with this issue. When we left rehab in Cleveland, they were supposed to set us up & nothing ever came of it. We finally found out after our insurance company called rehab that they were having trouble finding someone to come out. Hopefully our local pediatrician can figure something out. She feels that he is doing well, developmentally, right now, but she doesn't want him to fall behind. Please pray that they can find someone to come to the house. I really don't want to have to take him somewhere once or twice a week for therapy on top of all of his other appointments.
Also, Tiffany (a friend that I met at RMH) is having some concerns about her little Isaac. Isaac was born VERY premature & they are worried about some developmental issues. You can read more about them here.
Thanks so much to all of you for following our story & all the encouraging posts. We are hoping to go to church with Grady this Sunday for the first time. We were going to go the week after Easter & then Grady got sick - so keep your fingers crossed. We are so excited to go back!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
It seems like Grady is feeling better every day. He still has a little bit of a cough & sounds a little congested, but overall he has definitely improved. I'm starting to get a little frustrated that he is not sleeping thru the night. Colby started sleeping thru the night at 8 weeks & while I didn't expect that from Grady, I was hoping that by now he would be. I know that he can do it because he did twice in a row - just to tease us! Does anyone have any advice? Do we just need to let him cry? He has an appointment with the pediatrician on Monday & I will definitely be asking her.
I think Colby is finally over his cold & Ken and I are over the worst of ours. We are still a little congested but feeling much better. I am looking forward to warm weather!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Please pray for Grady and the family!!!!!
Please pray for healing for Grady and for strength, peace and comfort for Jeannie as she is very tired. Colby was with Jolie for a few days and will be staying with Ken's parents some. Steve and Rosy and their children are visiting us in OK right now so we all feel pretty helpless.
Ken and Jeannie, please know that we are lifting you all up in prayer. May God give you strength, peace and comfort. We love you!--Leah in OK
Monday, March 24, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
We had her take a look at Colby as well because he started with a runny nose & cough yesterday. It turns out he has an ear infection & we started antibiotics for him. He is supposed to go to a birthday party tomorrow for one of his little friends & is going to be really upset if he can't go. I guess we will have to see how he is doing by then. I had taken Colby to the mall & WalMart earlier this week - I'm guessing that's how he ended up with it. Oh well - it was bound to happen sooner or later. We will just have to be extra careful with handwashing.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Let me start by saying that Grady slept thru the night Saturday & Sunday - yippee!!! Hopefully he will continue! It's amazing how good I feel with a full night's sleep!
Jolie, Grady & I went to RMH Sunday night since Grady had a biopsy scheduled for 6:30 am (Colby stayed with my sister Rosy). We got to RMH around 6:00 pm - I wanted to be able to relax & unwind after the drive, especially since we had to get up so early the next morning. I had really been craving Chipotle (I haven't eaten there since January 31 - the day we came home) so on the way to RMH I got myself a Fajita Burrito Bowl and some chips & salsa to go! Yummy!
Grady's biopsy today went very well. The procedure only lasted about an hour & then he had to go to surgical recovery for about an hour. From there we went to echo & EKG & then to the M40 floor to be monitored. They allowed us to leave the hospital at about 2:00 but we were supposed to stay at RMH until the results came back. Dr. Boyle finally called at about 5:45 with the results - ZERO rejection - and cleared us to go home. I had to pull Grady's iv out at RMH (they had left it in just in case there was any rejection). He was pretty upset when I did it but he got over it pretty quick.
We decided to eat at RMH while we waited for the results since it was getting so late. I bet you can't guess what we had - well ok, you probably can - pasta of course. I was able to tolerate it, though, since it wasn't the 3rd or 4th time in a week that I was having it. I know you all think that I hate pasta but I really don't - I just get tired of cooked noodles with pasta sauce poured on top which is what the pasta at RMH consists of. I missed a great meal at home tonight. A lady that Ken is working for sent a really good meal home with him since she knew we were in Cleveland all day. Good thing there are left overs - I will definitely be enjoying it tomorrow!
Well, I am exhausted! I'm going to head off to bed - hopefully Grady will sleep thru the night, but if he doesn't, Ken has offered to get up with him. What a sweetheart!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008
The trip to the pediatrician went well this morning. Grady's appointment was at 8:45 so we beat the storm. He is up to a whopping 11 lbs. 4 oz. The pediatrician is VERY happy with his progress. She had his growth charted & it pretty much spiked straight up this last couple of weeks - very good news. The biopsy is Monday morning so hopefully we will get good news there as well. It's kind of scary because every time Grady is fussy, seems to have a slight fever or throws up, I worry about rejection. These are some of the symptoms of rejection but also very normal things that most babies experience at some time or another - it's just with him we don't know if it's something we should be worried about or not - so in a way even though having to have a biopsy is not fun, it is reassuring when the results come back with zero rejection, so please pray to that end.
So the big news in our area is SNOW! We were supposed to get 2 to 4 inches today & 6 to 10 tomorrow. The weather man was right for today (approx. 4 inches) and we will see about tomorrow. Ken came home from work early because of the weather so he and Colby shoveled the driveway & played in the snow for a while. Roman & Sue are coming over tonight - hopefully Grady will cooperate so that we can play some games.