Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Grady in recovery after the biopsy.

Hello everyone - I don't have a whole lot of time to blog, but I just wanted to let you know that the results of the biopsy yesterday were ZERO rejection! It was a very long day, but Grady did great. I was exhausted when we got home! The dietician changed the recipie for his formula a little to add a few more calories. She also gave some suggestions with his feedings to hopefully get him to sleep thru the night. I will let you know how it goes.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannie,
So glad everything went well. Zero rejection thats awesome!! How often do you have to get that checked? I hope you all get rested up and the changes in Grady's diet really make a difference. Sleep in the night is so important...E will be having surgery on thursday for tonsils and adnoids, Im sure I'll be missing some sleep then. I'll be thinking of you and prayin that sleep has found you again. =)
So, who do you think will win the scrimmage tonight? Jordan text Ken and said he is eating raw eggs and meat to win. Ha!
See ya,

Anonymous said...

Zero rejection that is awesome! Thank you Jesus! And cute picture of him sleeping.. so peaceful! hopefully those night sleeps keep getting better and better!