It seems like Grady is feeling better every day. He still has a little bit of a cough & sounds a little congested, but overall he has definitely improved. I'm starting to get a little frustrated that he is not sleeping thru the night. Colby started sleeping thru the night at 8 weeks & while I didn't expect that from Grady, I was hoping that by now he would be. I know that he can do it because he did twice in a row - just to tease us! Does anyone have any advice? Do we just need to let him cry? He has an appointment with the pediatrician on Monday & I will definitely be asking her.
I think Colby is finally over his cold & Ken and I are over the worst of ours. We are still a little congested but feeling much better. I am looking forward to warm weather!
Hi Jeannie,
Great to hear everyones getting back to their healthy selves! Having sick kids and being sick yourself isn't a stroll in the park!
Tate didn't sleep through the nite for an extended amount of time until he was 2. He would have a nite or so where I found I didn't get up with him, but on the other hand the twins slept through the nite at 10-12 weeks. I think it varys so much with your childs temperment. Tate was fiesty and the twins were calm. Thats my thot on the whole sleeping through the nite issue. I hope others have ideas too.
I've always thot those bumble chairs looked cool...I never had one for any of the boys though. I'm not sure they were even out 3 years ago. It sure beats having to prop pillows around him so he doesn't fall over.
I'm so with you on the wanting warmer weather!!!! Summer can't come soon enuf or stay long enuf! I just have to think at least its not the beginning of winter! Have a great weekend!
Love Amy
Hi everyone,
i'm sorry I didn't have a treat for you on Monday! i am glad Grady is better! I feel bad that he can't sleep. i will talk to you soon and I will keep praying for you guys!
See ya!,
Hey Jeannie,
The boys look great. I love Molly in the tub with Colby...Cute! I know it's frustrating to not get to sleep all night. I hope he'll cooperate and sleep all night again soon. You really do feel like a different person when you're rested! I always felt like monster mommy when they were getting up at night but same as everything else it eventually does pass, just not always as soon as we want it too. Well, I'd better go.
P.S. Go James!!!
Hi Jeannie,
Havent talked to you in ages. The boys look darling. I forgot about that cute dog you have...Molly. Elliot would adore her. =)
About the sleeping thing....well, not that this is advice, because I only have one child and sometimes i feel that it doesn't qualify me to pass out advice, but Elliot slept with a sound you know what one is? This was what got him to sleep longer and not hear the sounds in our paper thin walls in the double-wide, where the big trucks would put on their jake breaks going down the hill on 201. =)Plus I think he got used to hearing it...because he would have heard it when I was pregant with him..I had to sleep with one myself, i have ringing in my ears. can get them at Walmart for like 15 fact I would buy you one if you want to try it. They have all kinds of sounds, but the white noise sound is what Elliot and I sleep too. My friend had her girls sleep to them too...and seemed to work real good for her three girls. =) Just a suggestion, you dont have to try it. Elliot was about six months when he slept about 8 hours. So, I do remember it dragged on at times. Hang in...I'll pray it comes soon.
I can relate to a little lately...Elliot has had trouble breathing and it has affected his sleeping a ton. He has tonsils the size of Walnuts...poor guy, he had strep about six weeks ago and sinis infection, ear infec. and the tonsils never went back to normal now we are going to a specialist, and my guess is they will have to be romove..yeah! But if it means he will breath better and sleep better....Im all for it.
I am soooo ready for has to be coming soon.
We love you guys...remember us if you need anything at all, we just a swing around the corner.
Take care,
hey girl..I do remember getting up and how crappy you feel the next day! Anna was my worst and we let her sleep anywhere and everywhere. She was old before she slept in her crib (the swing, car seat, bouncy chair etc). I think if their tummy hurts just a little propping his him up a little helps too but I think you already do that. all my kids sleep with a fan or sound machine or even a cd~most nights and I sleep with a fan...Im a light sleeper and can hear the big trucks on 39 going by. At some point I let all mine cry sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. larry always tells me that I can sleep when Im dead...:-) I take vitmins and want to try that stuff michelle would be a bonus for you and me!! :-)
praying for you~! I care
I agree with having a "machine" to help with excess sound. We bought a box fan and turn it on in our children's room (Hannah 2, heart transplant; Manny 1) Manny was harder to get to sleep on a regular basis, until he was 9 months.
I don't know with children with heart issues what the best thing to do it. We had to put up a pack and play on the opposite side of the house for Manny because he would cry and he had to learn to self soothe himself. For several months if he woke up more than once after bed time, it was off to the pac and play! Eventually he learned and made it through to the morning. Now he is nearly one and doing great.
Hannah, I would go in and check on her. Because of her heart issues, she never has been a big eater, so she rarely woke up hungry. I am not sure but you may just need to follow your motherly instincts...don't know that anyone has investigated how to get our heart surgery babies to rest through the night...
Will pray for that today. Keep us posted!
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