The trip to the pediatrician went well this morning. Grady's appointment was at 8:45 so we beat the storm. He is up to a whopping 11 lbs. 4 oz. The pediatrician is VERY happy with his progress. She had his growth charted & it pretty much spiked straight up this last couple of weeks - very good news. The biopsy is Monday morning so hopefully we will get good news there as well. It's kind of scary because every time Grady is fussy, seems to have a slight fever or throws up, I worry about rejection. These are some of the symptoms of rejection but also very normal things that most babies experience at some time or another - it's just with him we don't know if it's something we should be worried about or not - so in a way even though having to have a biopsy is not fun, it is reassuring when the results come back with zero rejection, so please pray to that end.
So the big news in our area is SNOW! We were supposed to get 2 to 4 inches today & 6 to 10 tomorrow. The weather man was right for today (approx. 4 inches) and we will see about tomorrow. Ken came home from work early because of the weather so he and Colby shoveled the driveway & played in the snow for a while. Roman & Sue are coming over tonight - hopefully Grady will cooperate so that we can play some games.
1 comment:
Colby...I love your tunnel! That is so cool!!! I bet you had lots of fun playing in the snow with daddy. I hope you can come play at our house too. You guys can build a huge snowman with all the snow we have!
Awesome news from the Dr.! I knew Grady was feeling heavier. It's awesome that he's growing so well!'
We'll pray that all will go well on Monday. I look forward to having Colby. Well, I gotta get in the shower. See ya soon!
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