Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sorry - no pictures today - I just didn't take the time. It is definitely harder to find time to post since we are at home. We had a very nice weekend. My family was here both Saturday night and today. It is so nice to be home!

Grady has been very fussy the last several days - I think it is the acid reflux. It is so frustrating because he was doing so well last week that I cancelled his appointment with the GI docs to run some tests. They were originally scheduled for this coming Friday. Now I wish I would have waited a little longer before I cancelled. I think I will try to call in tomorrow & reschedule. I can tell it hurts after he eats & he's thrown up a couple times as well which is unusual for him. I already have a couple appointments next Wednesday & it just isn't fun driving all the way to Cleveland all the time - but if they can help his reflux I guess it will be worth it.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jeannie,
Hang in there, you're doing a great job. I'll see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi,on this COLD day. I still think of you guys often. stay cozy and warm today...Love Lorene

Anonymous said...

So glad you are home! Hang in there, I know you are doing a great job as a Mommy to your little boys! I think of you often. Have a great day! Would love to come see you sometime soon. Ruth