Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Things continue to go well - we are getting used to giving Grady all of his meds. Most of them he takes with no problem, but there is one he gets in the morning and one in the evening that he absolutely hates. We usually have to fight with him to get him to take them & then he lets us know how mad he is for a while afterwards. He definitely has a temper (he must get that from Ken)! We have also figured out that when he is really mad we have to stand up to hold him & bend our knees really deep (like a squat). This almost instantly calms him down - the only problem is we can't stop. My legs are actually starting to burn from doing this. We can calm him down & think he is sleeping but as soon as we sit down the screaming starts again. I know - he's got us wrapped around his tiny fingers.
We went to my sister, Rosy's, house for a while this evening. It was really nice to get out. Colby had been there all day (he went sledding with Rosy's kids). We are very careful not to take Grady anywhere where there are sick people.
We are ready to have some visitors (up to this point it has all been immediate family) but there are some rules that must be followed. Absolutely no one with as much as a sniffle can come (No exceptions - we will ask you to leave if you even appear to be sick). Also, if you've been exposed to something, please wait a couple days to make sure that you don't come down with it as well. Finally, PLEASE call before you come. I don't like surprises! And, don't be offended if it doesn't work for us or if Grady had a fussy day & we ask you not to come. At this point, we are ready to see people but I don't know if we will be overwhelmed or not - so don't take it personally if we ask you to come another time. I know this sounds strict but we are taking every precaution to protect Grady - please don't be offended.
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Hi Jeannie,
I commented on your website several weeks ago, I just found your website, and have it bookmarked now, so I can keep up with your story. About what you said when Grady gets mad, and you have to hold him a certain way, and you're getting tired, and you said he has you wrapped around his finger... it's not just that... my daughter had bad acid reflux, and we could usually only feed her in a certain position, while standing up, and couldn't set her down for at least an hour after eating (or prop her upright in an infant seat or something if she didn't scream) and it was very difficult. She was challenging... and people thought I was spoiling her because I held her a lot. I had absolutely no choice. I got so tired of holding her so much (even thought of course I loved her!) - and through the night.... I could have collapsed. So, this is probably just because he doesn't feel right yet. It will pass, and you will both survive! My daughter's now 8 1/2. I've had a nephew who was a 3 lb. preemie, and I totally understand the care you take in keeping sick people away. They should understand, you have Grady's best interest in mind. He will be less fragile as he gets older, you're doing what you have to do. Enjoy those boys!
Hi Jeannie and family,
I totally understand where your coming from. I don't blame you for not wanting sick people at your house either. We had to take precautions when the twins were born and Grant ended up at akron with rsv anyway when he was 3 weeks old. With Grady its a whole other level. I would definetly enforce those rules to no end. You can't be to careful. Besides you only want whats best for your family. There's no harm in that! The boys have sniffles rite now so I'll see how they are by next week. Have a great rest of the week! c ya, Love Amy
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