So it's been a few days since my last post - Sorry. Life is much busier at home than it was at the Ronald McDonald House. We had a couple appointments in Cleveland today so Jolie, Grady & I actually headed up to RMH last night. Grady had an appointment with audiology (hearing) at 10:30 which would not have been bad except that we had to sleep deprive him & not give him his last feed so that he would be hungry & tired & therefore would sleep thru the test (they needed him to hold still). Needless to say, by the time we got to the appointment, we had a very grouchy baby. I was soooo glad Jolie was along to help! He did go to sleep after he ate & they were able to do the test. His hearing is fine, as of right now, but they did say that sometimes the medications can affect hearing & if we notice any changes to let them know.
His next appointment was at 11:45 for an echo and an EKG. He was very fussy & squirmy & they were only able to take a few pictures during the echo & were not able to do the EKG. Our next appointment was with Dr. Boyle (he always reviews the echo/EKG and then meets with us). While we were waiting for him we decided that maybe Grady was hungry, so we fed him & he was fine after that - wish I would have known that was his problem earlier - they would have had better luck with the echo & EKG. He had just eaten about an 1 1/2 hours earlier but with not feeding him when he was hungry earlier, his schedule was way out of whack. Anyway, Dr. Boyle didn't seem too concerned that they weren't able to do the tests. He still feels that he is doing well except that he is not gaining weight very fast. He weighed 9 lbs. 13 oz. on their scale - only 1 ounce more than he weighed at the pediatrician's last Thursday. (Each scale varies a little but he really is not gaining fast). I think we are all very anxious to see what the GI doctors say on Tuesday - hopefully they can figure out how to put some meat on the little guy!
After all the appointments, we ate lunch & then caught the shuttle to go back to RMH. Let me just add that coming to the hospital on the shuttle was not a problem, but going back was awful! We had the stroller along because the clinic is huge & the appointments were in 2 totally separate buildings attached by a walkway. Well, when we went to get on the shuttle, Jolie went ahead with Grady in his carseat & I folded the stroller (it's a pretty big stroller) and got on the shuttle. Well - the shuttle was pretty full & my huge stroller would not fit down the aisle. I also had a big backpack hanging off my shoulder so it was quite akward. I stood there contemplating what to do & things started falling out of my stroller. The people in the front seats just sat there staring at me instead of offering to help or move. I finally sat by an old man in the front with my stroller blocking the entire aisle. When we got to the first stop (not my stop) I got up to figure out where I can move to be out of the way & another old man in the second row was like "you have to move - I have to get off here." By this time I was really annoyed - what did he think I was trying to do?! I explained to him that if he would just give me a minute I would be out of his way but before I could even get completely out of the way - he just crowded by me. Once I was finally out of the way, I leaned over & all kinds of things fell out of my backpack - go figure! The 2 ladies in the front seat actually picked some of the stuff up & I finally asked if there was anyway they could move back so that I could fit in there with my stroller. They did & the rest of the trip went much better. And don't worry - I didn't make a couple little old ladies move - these 2 were probably in their 40s which is why I was so annoyed that they didn't offer it in the first place. I mean, I was obviously struggling!!
When we finally made it back to RMH, we went up to the room, fed Grady, cleaned & got ready to leave. I just have to tell you how weird it was to be back & not be in my old room. I lived there for 4 1/2 months & it was just the weirdest feeling. A couple times I headed toward my old room instead of the one we had for the night. Another cool thing was that it was room #209 - yes Tiffany - my first time back to RMH and they give me your room! What a coincidence!
We checked out and headed toward home. I got home around 4:30 - 5:00 & was exhausted. It was so nice that the church had someone bring a meal - cooking was the last thing I felt like doing when I got home! Thank you so much!!
I also wanted to say thank you to the 3rd & 4th graders at Zion Mennonite Church in Pryor, OK. Colby loved the cards that he got in the mail (and I'm sure Grady will like them too when he gets bigger).
One more thing, Rosy brought Colby home tonight (he had spent the night there) and brought with her a Power Point presentation that she and Brandon had put together with pictures of Grady. It was so awesome! Hopefully, some of you will be able to see it some day. Thank you Rosy & Brandon (and Mariah - I am told she picked some of the pictures)!
Hey! I was thinking of you all and praying for you today as I knew you had appointments in Cleveland. I wish things would have gone better for you, especially on the shuttle.
We (our store and the bakery next door) are scheduled to take a meal to the Ronald McDonald House in Tulsa next week. They said to prepare for 15 people. It sounds like we just take it in, leave it and go home. I think we can have a tour of the house if we want but generally those donating meals do not stay to eat as well. I asked them about pizza and pasta but they said they don't get much of that. I'm sure the turnover is greater at RMH in Tulsa than RMH in Cleveland because the cases most likely aren't quite as serious and Tulsa is a smaller city. We are looking forward to it and want to get Courtney and Autumn involved as well.
It is cold in OK, there is a chance of another ice storm tomorrow. I am ready for some warm weather! Well, I will try to call Thursday sometime. Take care. I miss you all!
Hey, I have been checking the blog, but had to redo my password and all , since I seem to forget my info. Grady looks so good, I will call to see when I can stop in.I had a baby and two little ones the other week It is alot a work when you have to take all that stuff. I found out it was easyer for this grandma to stay Home . Keep looking up and we are praying for you all.
Hi Jeannie,
Glad to see you had time to blog! It sure makes you feel fortunate that you come from a smaller town. If we had a bus to travel by around here I'm positive that someone would've helped you with your stroller and backpack. How RUDE of that guy not to have a little patience!!! He probally needs prayer!
Does Grady not have a scar on his chest from his transplant? I don't see any in these pictures or any of the others in your blog. Grady looks really happy and content. I'm so sick of being stuck at home. Just when i thought that we were getting better Tate ends up sick today and can't go to preschool. I want to come see you and the kids so bad but I won't jeopardize your family's health either. I know how you feel about not being able to go out!!! If it takes till summer to come see you so be it. I better go tend to my only holds their attention for so long. Love Amy
Oh my, you did great describing your shuttle ordeal. I could alost picture it and feel your frustrations! Grady is looking great! His smile is so cute!
We are all well. Kiddos are all asleep so it is pretty quiet right now :) Lili has just started really smiling and cooing last week and is so much fun!
Blessings to you all!
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