He said "but we're not even going to church."
Well - we can add another therapy to Grady's list. Today the music therapist introduced herself. She wanted to know what type of music Grady likes. I was like "um - I don't know" - he's been in the hospital since he's been born & other than his mobile I never had a cd player or anything. There was a channel on tv that just played soothing music & when we'd leave the room we put it on there. I'm starting to feel very overwhelmed. I'm sure that they don't mean to, but when the therapists ask me all these crazy questions I feel like I haven't done enough for Grady. It makes me feel like there were things I should have been doing while he was in the other hospital.
Rosy & Steve came up today & they brought Colby with them. I was so glad to see all of them - especially Colby (no offense Steve & Rosy). I have really been missing him. They all came to rehab for a while & then we went back to RMH. I played a game of Sorry with Colby & then we made a trip to Target. Colby had gotten a gift card for Christmas & he wanted to spend it. It was nice to get away for a little bit. Jolie rode back with Steve, Rosy & Colby this evening so I am by myself again until weekend when Ken & Colby come join me.
Several of you have asked questions about how to post messages on the blog so I will explain it as best as I can. I absolutely LOVE getting posts so I want to make sure that you all know how to leave one. No excuses guys:-) Underneath each of my daily updates you will see in small light blue print posted by Jeannie. Right beside that it says comments. Click on comments. It will take you to another screen. On the top right there is a box that says Leave Your Comment. Type your message in that box. You do not have to sign up for an account if you don't want to just click on anonymous under choose an identity (make sure to sign your name in the message box if you choose this option so that I know who you are). You can then preview your comment if you would like but most important - make sure you publish your comment. That's all for tonight. Sometimes I'm not sure if I am boring everyone or if there are things you would like to know that I am not telling you about. If so, feel free to notify me by leaving a comment:-) Hint-Hint
Hi, Jeannie. Just a passer by who stumbled across your blog. God bless you and your family -- you guys have made some difficult decisions and I cannot imagine what you all are going through right now. God bless Grady -- what a strong little boy! I hope he is able to pull through all right; hopefully the worst is behind him but he has a long road ahead of him.
I have 4 1/2 and a 2 1/2 year old girls, both healthy. I don't know how I would handle it if I had to make the decisions you two have already had to made -- I hope that I would handle them with as much grace as you have done.
Best wishes to all of you.
Jenny F, fellow blogger and mom
Hey Jeannie,
it was so good to visit with you today. I know that you are overwhelmed with all the changes and the move. Please don't think you're not being a great mom. You are a terrific mom! Colby is proof of that. Grady is doing fine. He may be fussy and adjusting and all, but he'll get through that. Hang in there you're doing a great job. I know it sucks to not be home and no matter how much it helps you that we are taking care of Colby I know that it doesn't make it easier on you to not have him near you. We just all need to keep on "keepin' on". I wish we could fast forward time a little bit but I am not God and don't know His timing and purpose but I have faith that He has one. So, keep doing what you're doing, looking out for the best of your boys and treasuring them and Ken every minute you have. We love you all and wish there was more we could do. Keep trusting Christ! We love you!
Aw, don't think about what you "should've" or "could've." Just because you haven't been playing 24 hour Bach for Grady, doesn't mean a hill of beans.
You're a great mom, you do know him and he knows you love him like crazy (as does Colby).
Much love and an internet hug. Can't wait to see you guys in person again!!!
Love ya,
Just wanted you to know God loves you and knows you are doing your best and that's all a mom can ever do!!!! Your a great mom and never let anyone tell you different!!!!
Love, Hugs, & Prayers,
Loren, Jenny, & Olivia ;)
Hi Jeannie,
I can't wait to see wat kind of new piks you have posted everyday.
The next time the doctors make you feel like you haven't been doing enough for Grady you tell them that your doing the best you can in this situation. It's not like you've ever gone through something like this before. It seems to me they should have a little compassion and sincerety.
Poor Colby didn't look too impressed about losing at sorry. Hhhhhmmmmmmm I wonder where he gets his competitiveness from...Ken or Jeannie. I think he gets it honestly. My prayer Jeannie is that you'll get everything down pat and I know you will cause you always do. It's a trait that make you unique. Not everyone has that.
I look forward to seeing whats on tomorrow! C ya,
Hi Jeannie~came across your blog by jumping through others. I am praying for your family. Your kids are adorable and by reading other comments it sounds like you are an incredible mom.
Hey Jeannie. I got connected to your blog from another. I had no idea Grady was yours. I knew of him and that his parents went to Grace but I obviously hadn't put it all together. We are keeping your little guy as well as each of you in our prayers. What a fighter he is! He is going to have quite the story to tell as he grows up. It sounds like you are dealing with all the unknowns and challenges as best you can. Keep hanging in there and don't be discouraged. May God be especially real to you each and every day giving you support as you learn each new task.
Karlene Sommers
(mom and wife to Mike)
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