This is the one he chose for the blog.
I was able to drag myself out of bed this morning to get to the 9:00 feed. I didn't have time for breakfast - but I made it in time for the feed - not a minute too soon either. Grady took all of his 9:00 & 12:00 feeds! He had an appointment with Dr. Boyle at 12:30, so I had to give him the 12:00 feed in the doctor's office. He did fine with it, though. Dr. Boyle is very happy with how he is doing. He said to up Grady's feeds - so now the minimum is 55 mls. but if he wants more, he can have more. Grady was very tired after making the trip to see Dr. Boyle. I had to wake him for his 3:00 feed & then he only took 50 mls. I think we are getting really close to coming home. They are talking about letting the nurses start oral feeds next week. Right now, they are not cleared to do oral feeds & so during the night they just put the feeds thru the ng tube. If he does well on around the clock feeds, they can take the ng tube out (one of the main reasons we are at rehab). Also, next week we are going to start giving Grady his meds orally. The nurses have been pushing them thru the ng tube & the transplant nurse wants him to get used to taking them orally before we leave. Keep your fingers crossed - we are seeing light at the end of the tunnel.
We had a really nice group bring dinner tonight. They were from (online greeting card company based in Cleveland). I was so excited because they didn't bring pasta or tacos! We had subs, chili, salad, chips and dip, and dessert! It was delicious & they were really nice to talk to!
Ken and Colby came up this evening. It's always nice to see them! They usually wait until Friday, but Clinton's funeral is tomorrow & we are all planning on going to that. Colby doesn't understand what "died" means. He asked me if we can still talk to him or if we can go to heaven to see him. I tried to explain, but I'm not sure if he got it. We will see how tomorrow goes.
Ken is going to go to rehab for the 9:00 feed tomorrow morning. He still hasn't been cleared to feed (he's here weekends & the therapists aren't) so tomorrow he is going to be there as much as possible so he can get cleared. I don't like being the only one who can feed Grady - it makes me feel like I should be there 24/7.
Hi Jeannie - thank you so much for sharing your story with my co-workers and myself tonight at dinner. Your little Grady is such a little fighter. I loved reading your story. I can now say that I have met someone who was part of a miracle!
Glad you liked dinner, especially the dip! I will be checking back to see how Grady is progressing. You, Grady, and the rest of the family will be in my prayers.
God Bless,
Hey guys! I'm glad you are all doing good. Hope Ken gets cleared to feed Grady on Friday. I will also remember you as you attend Clinton's funeral. OK is very cold right now. Love the pics! Well, I better get to bed. God bless you all!
Love ya,
Grady looks so cute in his new little outfit. I am so excited to hear about his progress and can't wait for the day that you can bring him HOME! We're thinking of you all today as you head out to the funeral and praying that Colby would be able to understand. Ken, I hope you'll be able to learn to feed Grady today. It sounds like you'll have a busy day! Hi Colby!!! I miss you! You all take care!
Love ya! Rosy
jeannie, thanks again for letting us join you for dinner last night. elizabeth and i read your blog and are touched by your story. i hope your remaining stay in cleveland is wonderful and i'll be sure to check out your local eateries the next time i'm down your way!
Will be praying for your family today as you go to funeral. It is exciting to see the progress that Grady has been making. Hope you guys have a great weekend. Toby,Stacey,& Morgan
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