Monday, January 21, 2008

Grady in his crib.

128 syringes

Weekend is over, so I am back to the same old routine. I gave Grady his 9:00, 12:00 and 3:00 feeds. Each time he took at least 55 mls. which is great. I talked to the Dr. about getting the nurses cleared to feed & she said it is the therapist's call. They are going to talk about it tomorrow. I am really going to push for them to clear the nurses to feed so he can get more oral feeds. If they want the ng tube out before he goes home then this needs to happen. I just don't feel like we are making huge progress right now & I really want to go home (according to my calculations I have been here 133 days now)! I also mentioned to the nurses today that at the last appointment with Dr. Boyle, they said to start giving his meds by mouth (instead of pushing them thru the ng tube) so he gets used to the taste. They gave him a couple by mouth, but most of the time they are still pushing them thru the tube because it's more convenient - frustrating!!

The second picture is of all the syringes the nurses saved for me since Wednesday afternoon - a total of 128 so far. I know you are probably thinking that I've lost my mind, but they said these are really nice to have. You can put a cap on the end so when you go out & pack the diaper bag, you can draw all of his meds & put the syringes in the bag instead of taking 11 bottles of medicine along. They can be reused, but eventually the numbers wear off so they said to start saving them. They only use them once at the hospital so this evening, I peeled off all the labels on them & went down to the kitchen and washed all 128 of them! Sounds like fun, huh?


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannie!
It is awesome to see Colby holding Grady! Colby looks so proud. It must have been great being in a "normal"room altoghther. Grady is getting so big and doing so good that time must really drag by now. Jeannie, you are such a great and strong Mom! Just keep it together a bit longer-home is in sight!
Prayers & Hugs, Tammy Loos

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine what it will be like with all of those medications! You are doing a great job!

We just got back from Steve's allergy shots and getting his arm checked out. Looks like he has a tear in his muscle. They don't think it's torn the whole way through but it is torn. Yippee!!! So, he will need to be gentle with that arm for awhile as far as lifting goes and wouldn't you know it's his right arm too!!!

Well, I'd better go maybe we can play phrase frenzy on-line again later tonight.

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannie,

Just wanted to let you know how special I think you are!!! You are awesome as a person and a mom!! You are loved & prayed for daily!!! Keep, keeping on!