Today they cleared the nurses to feed - finally! They are not going to wake him up at night, though, to do it. If he wakes up, they will feed him but if he is sleeping they will put it thru the ng tube. Also, the charge nurse spoke to me today. She said they are moving Grady to reverse isolation. I wasn't sure what she meant by it (I had this image of moving to a different room & Grady in an isolette or something). She explained it & it's actually a good thing. Since there is so much sickness going around (in the area - not necessarily in the hospital) all of his caregivers (nurses, therapists, etc. - not us) need to gown and glove before handling him. Also, if they have been exposed to someone coughing, sneezing, etc. they need to wear a mask as well. I think this will ease my mind a bit. This morning a group of nursing students were following Grady's nurse & came in his room. I was so uncomfortable with it even though they didn't touch him or anything. I didn't say anything at the time, but I did mention it to the charge nurse & requested that no students go into his room. She said that is fine - she completely understands.
It was pasta at RMH again tonight & I just couldn't do it. I made a run to Chipotle - it's my favorite fast food restaurant (Jordan & Sarah got me started). I walked thru a couple stores as well - didn't buy anything - just looked. Ken doesn't understand that about me - I could look for hours & never find anything but still completely enjoy myself. I watched American Idol and I think I am going to take a nice hot bath & try to get to bed a little earlier tonight. Last night it was past 1:00 again & I had to drag myself out of bed to make the 9:00 feeding.
Oh - I almost forgot. Grady is up to 8 lbs. 9 oz. I could tell he was growing because all of his newborn sleepers are getting short! He's not chubby by any means but he is long. Hopefully, he'll be getting some rolls soon!
Hi Jeannie on this bitter cold morning.I totally love this new web site you have going on.I always enjoy reading your posts and looking at the new pics.Reverse isolation...sounds like something awful...I would have had bout the same image you did.Glad that it's not what you had imagined and is a good thing.All those syringes and medications WOW!Do you feel a bit like a pharmacist:) You are doing an awesome job. I know you feel overwhelmed at times,but keep on keeping on one day at a time.U R Luvd Lorene
I remember Isaac's bottle feedings in stepdown were an issue for us, too. Hang in're getting closer! I love to see pics of your buddy and the family. I love to hear what's going on....sorry about pasta, again. I love Chipotle, too. I miss it! You went to Steelyard, didn't you?! I love home, but there's something about the journey that I really miss...can't wait to see pics of Grady in his crib at home!!!
Much love,
Hi Jeannie,
I love the new look on your blog. It's really cool. I think it's a great thing that the nurses have to wear gowns, masks, etc. Grady doesn't need any of what's going around. I have that nagging cough right now too. I wish it would go away so I could come for a visit. By the way someone called me and wants to sign up under me for TOHE. Can you believe that? Well, I'd better go, keep looking up!
Hi Jeannie,
I wondered how that worked with the nurses coming in and out daily, and them caring sickness? I get nervous in the early winter with my boys getting sick, I can't imagine having to watch sickness with Grady. It's great that they are taking precautions!
Every time I look at the Gradys blog and read your entries hes making leaps and bounds...I have no doubt that you'll be going home soon.
I started crying when you shared about Colby not wanting to leave. I'm sure he doesn't understand every aspect of why your there, but Colby's very smart, and someday he'll see. All in all it makes you all stronger in the end. Thanks for being so honest in your blogs! It shows how to more accurately pray for you!
Have a great rest of the week!
With Love, Amy
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