Grady after his 12:00 feed.
Playing foosball with people from church before dinner.
Enjoying our delicious dinner!
Mom, Jonathan & Summer.Even though he didn't say so, I could tell Jonathan really wanted his picture posted on the blog.
Small group that brought the meal.Jolie is not pictured - she planned the meal & ended up being stuck at home sick.
I hope you feel better soon Jolie - Roy & the group had everything under control.Today was a really good day that ended sadly. I will start with the good parts. My mom & Aunt Bertha came up & went over to see Grady with Ken and I, while my cousin Jeremy stayed at RMH with Colby. I was able to give Grady his 12:00 feed & he took the entire 52 mls! I couldn't believe it! He did awesome! We stayed at the hospital for lunch & played some cards so that I could give him his 3:00 feed. He took 47 mls - a little less but we are still very excited about the progress he is making. We have only been at rehab since Monday & he is doing so well. I'm sure the doctors and therapists will be shocked when they come in tomorrow & hear how well he did over the weekend.
A small group from our church brought the meal for the entire RMH this evening. It was awesome! They brought soup, lunch meat, homemade bread, salad, fresh fruit and cake. Several times now, when people from back home brought meals, I made the mistake of thinking that since there are so many leftovers, there will be some the next day. I think I have finally learned my lesson. After everyone was gone, I went down to the kitchen to "stash" some for later. I ran into one of the ladies who has been here as long as I have & she was getting food. I asked her if she liked it (because my church had brought it in) & she said yes it is good - but this is not for now, I already ate - it is for tomorrow. So that explains why all the good food disappears so quickly. Other people are not as slow catching on as I have been. If someone brings something they like, they immediately store some in their personal bins for later. Sad that it took me 4 months to figure it out! She said she especially liked the fresh fruit (we hardly ever get fresh fruit - usually frozen or canned). So - great job small group & thanks so much for the good food & honoring my request not to bring pasta!
We got a visit from Jonathan & Summer (friends from back home). It was really good to talk to them - we haven't seen them since this all started & we had a lot of catching up to do. We also reminisced about a trip Ken & Jonathan's ball team took to Florida one year - some really funny things happened on that trip!
Now for the sad news - we just found out that our dear friend, Clinton passed away. Clinton's title here at RMH was "janitor" but he was much more than that to the families staying here. He had a way of making all of us feel comfortable & he had a special gift with children. All of the kids here loved him - this place will not be the same without him! He will be dearly missed. His passing was sudden and unexpected so please pray for his family. We do know that Clinton was a Christian so it is a comfort to know that he is spending eternity in heaven!
Colby & Clinton
I am glad you were able to have so much company and good from home. Grady is really growing and looks so good!
I am really sorry to hear about Clinton. He was a really special guy. I really enjoyed seeing him whenever we were up there. He will be missed at the RMH.
You're in our thoughts and prayers!
Love, Rosy
Ken, Jeannie, Colby and Grady,
Glad to hear Grady is doing so good! Sounds like you had some yummy food too. I am very sad to hear about Clinton. He has impacted many lives there at RMH and it was a privilege to have been able to meet him while I was in OH visiting. I think he was there everytime I was. I will remember his family in prayer. May you continue to feel God's blessings this week!
Hi Jeannie,
It's great to here that grady is taking his full feeds orally! More amazing feats that we would expect from Grady! The power of prayer is AWESOME!
Your gonna do so great giving him his meds that one day soon it'll be second nature for you, I'm sure of it.
We'll be praying for you this week! Havea good one!
Hi Jeannie,
Sorry, I must have left my laptop on last night...and showed I was online. Sorry bout that. Would have loved to IM with ya. =) Miss chating with ya.
Grady is really doing well. I am so excited to see what another week will do for you all. He looks so fun to hold. Cutie pie!
This morning when I got Elliot up, actually woke him up...he answered me with only shaking his head..which I thought was funny. I asked him if he still wanted to sleep, and he shook his head yes, and then I asked him a few other things and he shook his head. Then I said, come Pumpkin boy...lets get breakfast. And he said, "I not Punkin boy, mamma"..."I baby boy." Yesterday I called him "mamma's boy" and he said,"I not mamma's boy, I Eeelliot Dean." Like "Da" know who I am. =) Fun age..and busy too!
I am so sorry to hear about Clinton. I never met him, but he must have been quite a hero to a lot of people. RMH and his family are in our prayers!
Well, Its snowing a little here...but nothing major. It looks cold. I have plenty to do Monday! I hope you and Grady have a pleasant week! Need anything, let me know. We need to plan a visit again too..soon. =)
Have a wonderful day...hope this isn't too long. =)
I'm so sorry to hear about Clinton. I met him when we came to RMH. He was really sweet to everyone and nice to talk to.
Grady looks so big! I'm glad his feeds are going well!
Prayers & Hugs, Tammy Loos
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