Friday, February 1, 2008

Dr. Boyle (transplant doctor) and Colleen (transplant nurse) with Grady.

Getting ready to leave rehab.

Me, Grady & Asia (Grady's primary nurse at rehab).

Getting ready for the trip home - first time in his car seat.

Saying goodbye to Kristina & Ariel...

...and Doris & Dorian.

Grady at home in his new swing - a gift from Grandma & Grandpa Hershberger.

A lot has happened since my last post. We decided to leave Thursday evening instead of Friday. We knew there was supposed to be an ice storm coming & we didn't want to drive home in it Friday. We also didn't want to get stuck in Cleveland any longer. Ken, my mom & his mom came up Thursday evening to help us pack and clean the room. It's amazing how much stuff had accumulated in 4 1/2 months. Grady did great on the drive home - we had to stop about a half hour before we got home to feed him. He did well thru the night - got up twice to eat & then went back to sleep, but today has been a different story. He has been very fussy & while he eats a little, it's not like he had been doing. I don't know if it's just the change or if there is something wrong. It's quite stressful! My mom spent the night last night & Ken had off work today, so luckily I had some help. Even with them here, I was in tears several times. I knew it would be hard when we get home because of the lack of sleep, but I never dreamed he would be this fussy & not want to eat! Please pray that he adjusts & things start going better. They left the ng tube in just in case we need it here, but I was really hoping we wouldn't have to use it.

Colby was so excited for us to come home - he stayed up late to wait for us & he got to sleep in his own bed. I'm sure that after today he probably doesn't think that little brothers are so great anymore.


Anonymous said...

Hi baby Grady..Ken, Jeannie, Colby,
We are so happy you are home. I am sorry that you had a rough day. We will pray that your night tonight and your day tomorrow is a more relaxing one. We thought of you all a lot today...and this evening.....we thought about you too a lot, we thought this was your first evening at home...but now we see that last eve was.
If we can get you guys anything at all...please let us know. Love ya guys,
Jordan, Sarah, and Elliot

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeannie,
I wish I could be there to help with this transition. I am constantly thinking of you and doing everything I can to get rid of this cold, it couldn't have come at a worse time. I am praying that Grady will adjust quickly and things would go better soon. We love you guys and will do whatever we can to help, just say the word.
Love ya,
P.S. Hey Colby, we sure miss you a lot. Maybe you can come up soon and play cars or webkinz. I hope you're having fun at home. We love you and miss you!

Leah said...

Ken, Jeannie, Colby and Grady,
We are thinking of you out here in OK. Praying the feeds will keep improving and that the adjustments for everyone will go as smooth as possible. We wish we could be there. Courtney had a b-ball game this morning. They won by 1 point. All have been sick in our house this week except for Wes and Courtney. In time, things will improve. You and Ken are great parents and you have both been an inspiration to me. Hang in there.
Love, Leah