I just got done playing Phrase Frenzy with Rosy, Steve & Brandon. It's a game that you can play online against other people. Of course - I whooped up on em. I think Rosy did win one game, though. It's a good thing Steve can't type fast or he would beat us everytime since he's such a genius. Mom & Jolie were up tonight. They came to see Grady for a while & then took me out to eat at a place called Yours Truly. We had a good time except that it is so cold outside we were all complaining about our toes freezing just from walking in & out of the building!
Grady continues to do well with his feeds. We are also now giving him all of his medications orally instead of thru the ng tube - hopefully the tube will be coming out soon!
We had an appointment with Dr. Boyle today. It's always a good time when we go to his office. I know that sounds crazy - most people dread going to see the doctor - but Dr. Boyle and his team are fun! They are always picking on us and each other - sometimes that's what you need in these situations. Grady is scheduled for another biopsy Monday morning at 6:30 am. If everything looks good, Dr. Boyle said that there will be no reason on his end to keep us here anymore. Yes - you read that right - we might be coming home very soon. The only catch is, we still have to get cleared by rehab to go.
I talked to one of the therapists & she said that developmentally she feels that Grady is right where he needs to be (using his adjusted age). He is tracking toys & faces with his eyes, turning towards sound, cooing and doing all of the stuff a normal 2 1/2 month old baby would do, so hopefully there will be no reason for them to keep him. The main thing is still his feeds. Also, it is their policy not to discharge anyone until all of their prescriptions are filled and checked by a doctor on staff. I have 11 prescriptions from Dr. Boyle & I should be getting 2 more from rehab. When I come home this weekend I will try to get them filled by our pharmacy (I say try because I'm not sure if they keep all of these in stock or if they will have to order them in). Hopefully, I can get them all filled and bring them back with me Sunday night just in case they let us go next week - I don't want this to be the reason we can't leave!
Here is where all of you come in: PRAY! PRAY! PRAY!
PRAY that the biopsy (procedure itself) goes well & that there would be no perforations.
PRAY that the results would show NO rejection.
PRAY that Grady continues to do well with his oral feeds.
PRAY that there would be no problems getting the prescriptions filled.
PRAY that we could come home SOON - preferably BEFORE I lose my mind!
Answers to Comments:
To answer Leah's question - I don't know why they are having trouble pulling up his blog. The only thing that I could think of is a friend of mine works for a school & they have it blocked somehow so they can't get on blogs there. Are they trying to get on at work or is it a home computer? Maybe it has to do with a firewall or something if it's a home computer - they shouldn't have to download anything that I am aware of. If anyone out there knows what the problem might be - leave it on the comments page so Leah can pass it on to them. Thanks!
Sarah & Amy - I will be in touch about the meals - thanks so much for offering.
Hey! What a busy day! It is cold in OK too but probably not as cold as OH. It sounds like you are very close to going home. Praise the Lord! I will PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! Will you still need to stay at RMH for a while or will you be able to really go home?
James Troyer is here from Troyer Cheese in Berlin. He visited our store, took the whole family out to dinner and spent some time at our house. He had a fit, said the design and layout of our house looks almost identical to theirs! We had fun. He will be at our store some in the morning too. I won't be there though. I need to go to the school and watch a "special" video with Courtney. Donna will watch the twins in the morning. I will try to call sometime. Love ya!
Now wait just a minute!!! I do believe I won more than once! At least 2 if not three times. Yes, you did win most of them but at least let me have a little joy for my few victories! You are the fastest typer so you have big advantage.
We will continue to pray. I am so excited to see the light at the end of the tunnel for the first part of this journey for you.
Colby is really excited to see you tonight. He is already planning where to hide his cars for you to find them:>)
Well, my cough is definitely getting much worse. It's good I stayed away from RMH/Grady this week!
The kids had a 2 hour delay today because of the COLD weather. Well, I will see you some time tonight.
Love ya,
Hey Jeannie,
I just wanted to say Hi. It sounds like Grady is doing really well. That is so encouraging! Some of the people from our church got on to me because I've been slacking on giving them updates. They are really interested in Grady's progress. Be encouraged to know we are all still praying.
Dianna Conrad
Hi Jeannie,
We will definetly pray for all the items you mentioned in your blog. God is great and I'm sure the pharmacy will have everything that Grady needs. Have a Great time this weekend and seriouly call me about the mush!!!!
Praying hard,
Hi Jeannie!
We have not been to your blog for awhile. When Cassidy saw Grady's updated pictures, she said "Mamma look! Baby Grady's getting so big! And he's sooo cute!" And then she prayed!
I'm excited to hear that Grady is doing so well. And I know you are tired and frustrated, but you are doing great, too! God will get you through.
Thank you for listing your prayer requests. It helps to know what to pray for. Not ever having known someone going through your situation, it's hard to know what to pray for.
Have a great and relaxing weekend at home. Soon it will be home-and not just for visits!
Prayers & Hugs, Tammy Loos
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