Friday, May 30, 2008
Reece said "Colby put the sand in his shirt all by himself - I just watched."
I think he was afraid of getting in trouble.
This has been a crazy week - we are getting ready to go to Myrtle Beach! Both of my sisters & their families as well as Jolie & Roy had planned this trip last summer when I was pregnant before we even knew about Grady's heart defect. We kept the reservations - with everything we've been thru this year, we could really use a vacation!
Tuesday we had Grady evaluated for physical therapy. His adjusted age is 6 1/2 months & the therapists feel that he is doing everything a 5 month old baby would do & some of the things a 6 month old would do (which is very good considering he spent over 4 months in the hospital). They did recommend some Physical & Occupational Therapy and are just going to keep an eye on his Speech & Language Development. He will probably be going in for therapy either once a week or every other week. His first session will be the week we get back from vacation.
Grady is still not sleeping thru the night consistently. Every now & then he will sleep from midnight until 5 or 6 am but it is unusual. He usually gets up around 3 for a bottle, but then goes right back to sleep. He is also very demanding right now. He can be playing in his exersaucer but as soon as we leave the room he starts crying. He is definitely a little spoiled!
I better get back to packing. You can not even begin to imagine how much stuff we have to take along (pack n play, exersaucer, stroller, golf clubs, food, meds, medical records, etc.). Hopefully everything will fit in the van!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Hello everyone - I don't have a whole lot of time to blog, but I just wanted to let you know that the results of the biopsy yesterday were ZERO rejection! It was a very long day, but Grady did great. I was exhausted when we got home! The dietician changed the recipie for his formula a little to add a few more calories. She also gave some suggestions with his feedings to hopefully get him to sleep thru the night. I will let you know how it goes.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
We made it up to Ronald McDonald House this evening at about 6:15. Grady has a biopsy tomorrow morning at 6:30. We should get the results around 5:00 pm. I am really hoping Grady does well thru the night. He is not supposed to have any formula after midnight. He can have Pedialyte up to two hours before the procedure but he doesn't really like it. Pray that the procedure goes well and that there is no rejection.
I was surprised to see a familiar face when we walked into the dining room at RMH. Maribel & Mateo are back - they were here when we first got here in September & I think they left in December sometime. They will be here for a month. Also, we had a very nice dinner - soup & salad - I couldn't beleive it! I mean for the 4 1/2 months I was here we might have had soup & salad three or four times total!
Jolie came up with me again - she is such a lifesaver. I honestly don't know how I would manage Grady, luggage, meds, cleaning our room after we leave, etc. without her. She is awesome!
I almost forgot to mention, when we went back to the pediatrician see if Grady's ear infection was gone, they checked his weight & it was the same as the week before. He is still very small for his age so we are supposed to try to talk to the dietician up here & see if she has any suggestions.
Well - I need to get going. We still have some settling in to do and we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
Ken and I went to a wedding Friday night while my mom stayed with the boys. We had such a good time being out together without kids! We felt guilty for how long we stayed, but we were having so much fun catching up with everyone and not worrying about meds or feedings. We definitely need to make a point of going out together more often!
We were able to go to church today (Mother's Day). It was great to be back again - I had missed a couple of Sunday's while I was in Oklahoma. We went out for lunch and now I am planning on taking a nap while Ken watches the boys! I can hear my bed calling me - gotta go!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Well, we made it back from Oklahoma. Our flight came in Saturday at 10:00 pm. The boys did great. I was very disappointed with the airline, though. I had taken our new stroller (I know - dumb move) and it was checked in plane side and somehow they managed to twist the frame so that one of the front wheels doesn't even touch the floor anymore. I was very frustrated and did file a claim so now I am waiting to see if they will do anything about it. The stroller was a gift we got at the Cleveland Clinic for Christmas. It is one of those car seat stroller combos. Fortunately, I still have our old stroller - I'm just mad at myself for not thinking to take the old one in the first place! Oh well - I guess it is a lesson learned.
Tuesday I had a meeting with a lady from Help Me Grow. It is thru this program that Grady might be able to get some therapy if they feel he needs it. He is almost 8 months old now but his adjusted age is 6 months. He is doing a lot of the things a 6 month old would do, but not everything. He will get evaluated on May 27. He will also have another biopsy in Cleveland on May 19.
It seems as though we have a little bug going around our house this week. Colby threw up on Monday, I got sick yesterday & now Ken is home sick today. The only good thing about it is it doesn't seem to last very long. Hopefully, Grady won't come down with it.
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