9-10-07 - Our first visit to University Hospitals. Doctors did an ultrasound & biophysical ultrasound. They put all our information in their system.
9-11-07 Started having contractions around 10:00 p.m. My contractions were not strong, but were only 2 minutes apart. We went to Aultman because we didn't think we could make it to Cleveland. By the time we got there, I was dialated to 3-4. They gave me medication to stop the labor. I spent the night at Aultman.
9-12-07 Since the contractions stopped, they felt it was safe to transfer me by helicopter to University Hospitals in Cleveland. I was told I would be here until I deliver.
9-13-07 Uneventful day until about 3:45 pm. I was on the phone with my boss when my water broke. Contractions started right away and were 2 minutes apart. Nurses took me to labor & delivery. Grady Evan was born at 5:07 pm weighing approximately 4 lbs. 10 oz. (9 weeks early) & rushed immediately to the cath lab. Luckily, the cardiologists were still here (God's perfect timing). Grady's heart stopped once before the catherization and once during but they were able to get his heart going again & the procedure was a success. Grady was stable. When the doctor came in he said that God must have been smiling on Grady because if not for the little squirt of blood between his right and left atrium, he would have died.
9-27-07 Grady was 2 weeks old today. We thought everything was going ok and that he would require some surgeries but doctors dropped a bomb on us today. They said that there is no surgery that they can do to help Grady's heart. They said we have 2 choices: comfort care (do nothing and let him die) or a heart transplant (very hard to get for a baby Grady's size) which would mean a lifetime of medicines, possible side effects and possible future transplants.
10-3-07 After much prayerful consideration, we decided to list Grady for the transplant. We felt that listing him would leave the decision up to God. He was not guaranteed, by any means, of getting a heart.
10-11-07 We were transferred from University Hospitals to The Cleveland Clinic. University Hospitals do not do pediatric heart transplants.
10-16-07 Doctors did a surgery to close Grady's PDA valve to see if his heart function would improve. They need to try everything possible before someone is listed for a transplant. A transplant is considered the last resort.
10-17-07 Grady's right lung collapsed. Doctors were able to reinflate it & stabilize him.
10-23-07 Grady was put on the list for a heart transplant. Doctors told us it could be a long wait. Grady was only about 5 lbs. 5 oz. & it is rare that healthy hearts become available for babies this small.
10-31-07 After being on the list for only 9 days, we got the call that a possible match had been found. Grady went in to be prepped for the operation at 11:00 pm.
11-1-07 At 12:30 am we got the call that the heart was good and they were going to make the incision. At 3:30 am they told us the first part of the surgery was done. The new heart was in & beating. At about 7:10 am the nurse called to say that Grady was on his way back up to his room.
12-10-07 After 2 failed attempts to extubate (take the breathing tube out), Grady was extubated successfully this time. Dr. Mumtaz (Grady's surgeon) was in today & was saying that Grady is a miracle baby. He said that when a baby's heart stops with the type of defect Grady had, it doesn't start back up again. He also said that doctor's could not figure out why the donor baby died. He said that all the organs were perfect and it was as though that baby was an angel & was just here to bring Grady his heart.
12-14-07 Grady was moved out of the intensive care unit.
12-20-07 Grady had his first biopsy at 7:30 am. The results came back late this afternoon - ZERO rejection!
I LOVE IT!!! Fabulous! I'll add you to my favorites!!!! Looks great! Love the pics!!!
Did you know that Ariel is going in for his surgery tomorrow? I talked with Cristina tonight--she is very nervous. Please pray for Ariel's surgery tomorrow night.
Love ya,
Hey Jeannie,
Cool new blog. I look forward to the updates! Colby is here and is doing well. He is so silly. Well, I hope Grady's transfer goes well tomorrow. I am looking to come sometime during the middle of the week. Take care! Love ya!!!
Ken & Jeannie,
Happy New Year!
It's so good to get your updates on Grady.I've been praying for all of you,especially for little Grady.God is so Good!
Lillie Gingerich
Jeannie, Awesome blog...Hoping you are having a good day. Hugs! Lorene
You don't know me but I read your blog tonight. Very touching story. What happens now? How much longer will you have to stay in Cleveland? Tell us more about the other little one in the one picture. God Bless you and your family.
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